El Albergue del Padre Pío


Protecting the human rights of children and teenagers who are victims of violence in Mexico.

The Albergue del Padre Pío A.C. is a non-profit civil association that works towards life and the defense of the human rights of children and adolescents.

The Beatitudes preached by Jesus to his disciples constitute the institution’s backbone, and thus, all our actions have the ultimate goal of loving our fellow human beings. We are one of the few shelters in Mexico that is focused on providing care and support to minors between the ages of 0 and 17, who have been left completely abandoned after experiencing the most brutal forms of social, family, and institutional violence.



The founder of Albergue del Padre Pío, Tomás González, began his work in support of early childhood after learning about the lives of girls, boys, and infants in the Sierra de Jalisco who are suffering from extreme poverty and violence that has taken root in Mexican communities.


It took several years of learning and collaborative work with other institutions and civil organizations to consolidate a project focused on the comprehensive care of girls and boys, particularly those who have been left outside the shelter and protection of institutions.


The dream of this shelter was born on March 22, 2008. In its early years, it focused its actions on the rescue and protection of newborns who are HIV positive, gradually expanding its social purpose towards the care of infants, girls, boys, and adolescents who have been victims of child sexual abuse and/or high-impact violence, both physical and emotional, and who require specialized psychological, medical, educational, and nutritional care as they have gone through extreme situations of violence and the care they receive is unique.


To protect and provide a space for healthy development based on love, for people between 0 and 17 years old who have had their human rights violated, as well as their physical and psychological integrity.

We strive to be a national benchmark in promoting public policies that improve the living conditions of early childhood and society in general.


We work to be a refuge and an institution that, through its deeply human work, manages to modify behaviors and contribute to the construction of an equitable society, with human dignity at its core.


We value life and dignity as individuals.

Service, humility, and a vocation to help.

Respect, patience, obedience, and tolerance.

Become a change maker

As an individual or from your company, help us put an end to the cycles of violence that undermine the peace and well-being of Mexico.